In 1986 Christopher graduated from The Institute for Optimum
Nutrition (ION) and established The Nutrition Consultancy, applying
the principles of orthomolecular medicine through the practice and
teaching of Nutritional Therapy. His study at ION was in response
to his wife’s illness. He became a partner and co-owner of ION
between 1987 and 1990, acting in the capacity of director, course
coordinator, lecturer, tutor and internal examiner.
Since leaving ION he has continued his work with The Nutrition
Consultancy, which has included researching, writing and publishing
about the biochemistry and physiology of nutrients, especially
minerals; designing and developing nutrient supplements and
teaching sound nutritional principles to students and the public
through lectures and seminars.
Christopher is a registered practitioner with the
Nutritional Therapy Council and a member of the
British Register of Complementary Practitioners (Nutritional Therapy).
Since 1980 he has studied Ju-Jitsu, Aikido, T'ai Qi Chuan, Qi Gong,
Western boxing and self-defence, teaching a combination of these
styles to adults and children from 1985 until his retirement from
teaching in 1999. From these studies he has learned about human
energy fields, their interface with the physical, mental and emotional
bodies and their influences on health.
Now living and working in south west Cornwall, Christopher
is an ability companion for his wife Deborah on her journey through
the extensive pharmacological and surgical treatments that have
been applied to her auto-immune illnesses over the past thirty years.
This has given him experience of the consequences of living with
life-changing disease and the importance of the four foundational
elements of health in supporting quality of life throughout the course
of diseases and their treatments.
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